Frequently Asked Questions
This is where you can find quick and easy answers to the most commonly asked questions about WCAA’s services, facility, and more.
About Our Services
Before a Visit or Exchange
During a Visit or Exchange
At the end of a Visit or Exchange
About Our Services
A supervised visit is a visit between non-custodial parents and their children with a WCAA Volunteer Visitation Monitor present, ensuring that the children are both protected and comfortable while they’re here. Supervised visits may be court ordered or by formal agreement between parental parties.
WCAA is a “no-contact” agency, meaning custodial and non-custodial parents or guardians never come into contact with each other. We do this by staggering arrival and departure times and providing separate waiting areas.
All supervised visits at WCAA occur at 385 River Avenue for a maximum of two hours, once a week. Visits may occur less frequently if specified in court orders or by formal parental agreement. Visiting parents or guardians and their children are required to remain on-site during the visits.
A supervised exchange is an exchange or transfer of children between their parents or guardians involving a neutral third party who monitors and supervises the exchange.
WCAA is a “no-contact” agency, meaning custodial and non-custodial parents or guardians never come into contact with one another. We do this by staggering arrival and departure times, providing separate waiting areas, and escorting children from one parent or guardian to the other.
Supervised exchange times are set during intake. The Exchange Supervisor writes down arrival and departure times, as well as any concerns or issues that happen during the transfer.
As the actual visit between parents and children takes place without agency supervision and outside WCAA premises, we do not take responsibility for what occurs during the visit. Please discuss any concerns about this with your legal counsel.
Supervision is provided by WCAA’s trained staff and volunteers. One monitor is assigned to each visiting parent and stays within sight and hearing distance the whole visit.
The monitor will only step in if the comfort and safety of a child is at risk or if the visiting parent requires help with WCAA policies and expectations
After each supervised visit, the monitors finish official Observation Notes, which provide a neutral account of what occurred during the visit.
Custodial parents are informed at pick-up of any significant concerns or issues arising during the supervised visit. Significant concerns or issues would include things like:
➡ A child sustaining an injury during the visit
➡ Diaper changes
➡ A child becoming “upset” (crying, fussing, etc.) during the visit
➡ A child or visiting parent communicating inappropriate information (phone numbers, addresses, information about the custodial parent, etc.)
Parents or guardians can see the full Observation Notes by contacting the Case Management Coordinator.
Yes, there are fees for our services. On average, they work out to:
➡ Supervised visit: $30.00 maximum per visit
➡ Supervised exchange: $15.00 maximum per visit
However, we believe no parent should be denied access to their children for monetary reasons, so we offer sliding fees based on income. Any request to lower fees must be submitted to the Case Management Coordinator with supporting documentation.
Fees are paid by the visiting parent unless a court order or agreement between parental parties says otherwise. Payment is expected after each visit or exchange, and must be by cash, debit, or credit card. A receipt is provided for each payment.
WCAA currently offers the following supervised visitation times:
➡ Tuesday to Friday evenings, 6:30pm to 8:30pm
➡ Saturday and Sunday, 9:30am to 11:30am, 12:00pm to 2:00pm, and 2:30pm to 4:30pm
WCAA currently offers the following supervised exchange times:
➡ Monday to Friday, 9:30am to 3:30pm (dependent upon staffing availability)
➡ Tuesday to Friday, 6:15pm to 8:30pm
➡ Saturday and Sunday, 10:00am to 5:15pm
Requests for visitation or exchange times are made during the intake process, based on WCAA availability. If the parents or guardians don’t agree on a preferred slot, the application will be paused until an agreement is reached. WCAA can’t help in negotiations between parents or guardians.
The services of the WCAA are not meant to be a long-term solution for a family. We expect our services to be used for a maximum period of one year, barring special exceptions.
Before a Visit or Exchange
We understand that either party may occasionally need to cancel visits or exchanges. If you need to cancel, please inform us as soon as possible so that we can let the other parent or guardian know.
When a visit or exchange is cancelled, a form is filled out and placed in your file, along with a reason if provided. Please note that these forms are included in requests for Observation Notes.
WCAA does not offer “make-up” visits or exchanges. We keep track of attendance and will review cases where repeated cancellations become an issue.
If a parent or guardian misses a scheduled visit or exchange without having notified WCAA at least by 4pm of the previous day before it starts, they’re charged a fee equal to the standard service fee.
Being on time is key to making sure the environment is protected, and all parties are expected to arrive and depart at their scheduled times regardless of whether there is a protection order in place.
If you arrive earlier than scheduled, we ask that you keep away from the main entrance area or leave and return at the designated time. If you arrive late for a visit, WCAA staff may cancel the visit or exchange at their discretion.
Once you arrive, you’ll wait in the waiting room until the Visitation Manager comes to greet you and sign you in. After that, we’ll bring your children to the visitation or exchange space.
You are expected to leave WCAA property promptly after drop-off and return only at the scheduled pickup time.
After you arrive, the Visitation Manager will sign you in and take you to the waiting area, where you’ll wait until it’s time for the visit or exchange to take place.
During a Visit or Exchange
During the intake process, you’ll sign a Service Agreement which outlines WCAA policies and expectations for visits.
These include:
➡ Not speaking negatively about the other parent or guardian
➡ Not trying to learn identifying information from your children about their home, school, phone number or activities
➡ Not asking your children about the activities, whereabouts or place of employment of the custodial parent
➡ Not talking about adult issues such as court proceedings, financial problems, marital problems, lawyers, incarceration, criminal charges, etc.
➡ Not making promises to your children about future access, custody arrangements or outings
➡ Not using your children or staff to pass messages, send items or information to the custodial parent
➡ Not using derogatory or offensive language or behaviour towards your children, staff or other clients utilising the WCAA facilities
➡ Not smoking on the WCAA property (inside or outside)
➡ Not pressuring your children to engage in a particular activity, discussion, or physical contact
➡ Not using or threatening the use of violence
As in any child-centred setting, we also want to ensure that children and parents or guardians engage in safe play at WCAA.
Unsafe play includes, but is not limited to:
➡ Running inside the agency
➡ Climbing on handrails, furniture, and counters
➡ Improper use of play structures
➡ Leaving children unsupervised
➡ Spinning, shaking, or tossing your children in play
➡ Playing on the stairs
➡ Putting toys or non-food items into the mouth
As the visiting parent or guardian, you must make sure your children do not engage in unsafe play and are expected to watch your children closely throughout the entire visit.
The use of cellphones or other electronic devices is prohibited during your visitation time.
No, WCAA does not provide snack items or diapering supplies (wipes, diapers, powder, pull-ups, etc.), they are to be provided by the visiting parent or guardian. WCAA staff can provide information about diaper size, food allergies, etc., to the visiting parent as-needed.
During the intake process, the custodial parent may choose to send toileting supplies and snacks along with the children.
Our general policy is that, as the visiting parent, you may bring gifts for your children to take home with them:
➡ On the first visit
➡ For your child’s birthday or on the visit closest to their birthday
➡ Holidays normally celebrated by your children, like Christmas, Kwanzaa, Valentine’s Day, Easter, Ramadan, Halloween, etc.
➡ During June and August on one occasion per month
The custodial parent may choose not to allow any gift items to be taken home from the visit. Any gift restrictions are discussed during the intake interview.
Gifts must be unwrapped before being sent home with the children. Toys connected with violence (toy guns, knives, etc.) are not permitted.
Visiting parents can also bring age-appropriate toys, games, and other items for the children to use or play with while at WCAA, but they must be taken home by the visiting parent at the end of the visit. The children participating in the visit can also bring games or toys to use during the visit.
No, only those expressly named in a court order about supervised visitation can participate in visits at WCAA. Arrangements for visits with anyone not named in a court order need to be made independently and without the involvement of WCAA. Only those individuals participating in supervised access services are allowed on WCAA property.
In some cases where a court-appointed assessor has become involved in your situation, WCAA – with the permission of both parental parties – may allow the assessor to attend and observe a supervised visit. The Case Management Coordinator must be contacted to make the necessary arrangements.
Video recording is not allowed at WCAA. Photos are permitted to be taken by the Visitation Manager or Monitor with either the WCAA site camera or the parent’s personal camera but not a cellphone.
If a child is reluctant or refuses to stay at WCAA for a scheduled visit or exchange, the Visitation Manager may attempt to speak to them to address any specific fears or concerns and see if they’re willing to stay. Our staff will try to facilitate a visit or exchange but will never force a child to visit.
At the discretion of the Visitation Manager, a visit may also be ended earlier than scheduled if a child seems to be under duress. Terminations and cancellations of visits or exchanges in these situations are always documented.
At the end of a Visit or Exchange
Visitation Monitors normally advise the visiting parent toward the end of the visit that it is almost time to go. At this time, the visiting parent is expected to clean-up any areas and items used during the visit. This is also the time to pack up anything brought from home and to help the children with their outerwear. Children need to be ready to leave by the scheduled pickup time.
Visiting parents are expected to say goodbye to their children in the main visitation area rather than near the departure exit. Once the pickup person has arrived and the visit is scheduled to end, the visiting parent is to return to the waiting area.
Upon arriving at the WCAA to pick up their children, custodial parents must remain in the designated area where the Visitation Manager will ask them to sign out. If the pickup person arrives early, they will be required to wait until the visit has ended as per the agreed upon schedule.
Copies of the Observation Notes may be requested by either parent or guardian or their legal counsel on their behalf.
Requests can be made to the Case Management Coordinator during regular business hours (Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm).
If your Visitation Monitor gives you instructions during a supervised visit, we expect that they’ll be followed. You can address any instructions given with the Visitation Manager after the children have left WCAA during sign-out, or by contacting the Case Management Coordinator by phone during regular business hours or Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm.
It is extremely important that this discussion occurs without your children present to avoid creating a stressful environment for them.
If legal counsel represents you, the WCAA will advise your counsel, in writing, of any changes to the status of your involvement with the WCAA. If separate legal counsel represents your children, their lawyer will also be advised.
Observation Notes may be forwarded to legal counsel upon receipt of a signed release from you and receipt of associated fees for the photocopying of the Observation Notes.
Requests to provide your legal counsel with additional information or correspondence concerning your case must be made in writing to the Case Management Coordinator or Executive Director.
Any breach of the terms outlined in the signed Service Agreement may result in a visit or exchange being cancelled or ended earlier than scheduled. Some of the observed behaviours would include but are not limited to:
➡ Attending a visit or exchange under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Staff are authorised to cancel a visit or exchange based on their observation or suspicion that a parent may be under the influence of these substances. This includes but is not limited to: smelling like alcohol or drugs, slurred speech, uncharacteristic and/or erratic behaviour, etc.
➡ Failure to adhere to instructions given by the Visitation Monitor or Visitation Manager during a visit or exchange
➡ Offensive, threatening, belligerent, or otherwise abusive behaviour towards any party at WCAA.
The WCAA reserves the right to deny or terminate services in situations where:
➡ The case does not meet WCAA criteria
➡ A party has breached the terms of WCAA’s Service Agreement
➡ The WCAA does not have the resources necessary to effectively provide the visitation or exchange services due to language barriers, safety, staffing, etc.
➡ The case places undue demand on available WCAA resources
WCAA will provide written documentation to you (and, if approved, your legal counsel) as to why services are being terminated. A copy of this correspondence will also be forwarded to the other parental party and their legal counsel.
An appeal of the decision to terminate services may be made by forwarding a written request to the Executive Director. This request should include a summary of your involvement with the WCAA and your reasons for appealing the agency’s decision. This request must be received in our office within 14 days of the notice of termination.
Your written request will be forwarded to the WCAA Board of Directors for their review and investigation of your file. You will be contacted by a member of the WCAA Board and notified by mail of the Board’s decision regarding your appeal. Although the details of your appeal are confidential, the other parental party will be advised as to whether or not the appeal was successful or not.
If the appeal of termination is not successful, a parent may reapply for services after one year.